Peaceful Black Lives Matter march takes place in Essex

A peaceful march in support of the Black Lives Matter movement took place in Central Park in Chelmsford yesterday.

It was the first of two marches organised in the county, with the second event due to take place in Central Park on Saturday 13 June. The organisers said they followed social distancing rules.

Protests have also been taking place in other cities across the UK in solidarity with protesters in the US, reacting to the death of George Floyd. 

The 46-year-old died on 25 May after a police officer knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes. The officer is currently awaiting trial for murder; other officers present are also facing charges. The event sparked a wave of protests across the US that spread globally. 

UK protesters have highlighted their own experiences of racial violence and discrimination. They have drawn attention to events such as the Windrush scandal and the recent death of Belly Mujinga, who died with Covid-19 after being spat on while working at Victoria Station. 

The government has appealed for those taking part in the protests to adhere to social distancing guidelines by staying at least two metres away from people outside of their own household.

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