New rules announced by Boris Johnson to curb worrying rise in virus

Boris Johnson has announced a number of new rules amid a worrying rise in coronavirus cases.

The Prime Minister spoke to MPs in Parliament this afternoon unveiling a number of changes and warned the public to expect the measures to last at least six months. 

It will now become compulsory to wear face masks in restaurants and bars, except when seated at tables. Bar staff and waiters will also have to cover their mouths. Similarly shop workers will also be required to wear face coverings as well as passengers travelling in taxis.

Office workers are also encouraged to work from home where possible, whilst pubs, bars and restaurants must close at 10pm from Thursday (24 Sept) across England.

The number of guests at wedding parties has also been slashed to 15 people.

Anyone found not adhering to the rules will be fined, with an increased penalty of £200 for breaking the ‘rule of six’.

Announcing the new restrictions this afternoon, Mr Johnson said the UK has reached a “perilous turning point” in its fight against the virus. He warned we must take serious action now to avoid graver consequences later on.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said it is “right” Mr Johnson is announcing further measures.