This video of boogying medical staff in an Essex hospital goes viral

A video of NHS staff at Basildon Hospital dancing to Olly Murs’ “Dance With Me Tonight” has gone viral on social media.

The video has helped lift the mood in these difficult times, and has been viewed over 600,000 times on Twitter and shared 33,000 times on Facebook.

The video features nurses, support workers, doctors and other medical staff dancing on a ward at the Essex hospital.

Sandra Roberts and her colleague Lyn Roberts posted the video and described the response as “crazy”.

Sandra Roberts said: “It’s just been really good and uplifting.”

She said the team made the video after TV presenters Ant and Dec appealed for viewers to film themselves dancing to the Essex singer’s chart-topping single.

Olly Murs has also responded to the video. He reposted it on Instagram and called the hospital staff “legends”, offering them free tickets to a concert.

Ms Roberts said the messages they’ve received “made us feel really proud”.

A spokeswoman for Mid and South Essex University Hospital Group said: “We are extremely proud of all our staff.”

“The fact that they can still smile and inject fun into their working day is an example of the team spirit within our organisation.”

“We would also like to say a huge thank you to all the local businesses who have donated food, sent chocolates and just been brilliantly supportive.”

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