Boris Johnson reveals ‘first careful steps’ of easing coronavirus lockdown

Boris Johnson has announced the “first careful steps” of easing the coronavirus lockdown as part of his three-phase plan to reopening the nation.

Addressing the country from Downing Street, he revealed a detailed roadmap of how the country will get back to normal life, whilst keeping Covid-19 under control.

Most of the strict lockdown measures will stay in place for now as it’s still too soon to make any major changes, he said.

He explained: “We must stay alert. We must continue to control the virus and save lives.”

“And yet we must also recognise that this campaign against the virus has come at colossal cost to our way of life.”

The Prime Minister warned any changes would depend on the entire country following social distancing rules and this would be closely monitored.

He also revealed his new “stay alert, control the virus and save lives” slogan.

The key changes announced this evening include:

  • People who cannot work from home have been urged to go back to work e.g. people who work in construction and manufacturing. However, people have been advised to avoid public transport and drive, walk or cycle to work instead
  • People will be allowed to sunbathe in parks and play unlimited sport from Wednesday – and can go on day trips with their family
  • Anyone coming into the country by air will be forced to quarantine for 14 days
  • Schools will start going back from 1 June – but only if the infection level is low enough. Reception, year one and year six will be the first back to school
  • The opening of pubs, cinemas and mass gatherings will still not be allowed for a number of months
  • An increase in fines for people who break the rules from £360 to £100 – up to a max of £3,200 for multiple offenders

The PM will give more details tomorrow when he addresses MPs in the House of Commons and publishes the full details of the roadmap.

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