Colchester man convicted of raping vulnerable woman

A man from Colchester has been jailed for eight years after he was convicted of raping a young woman.

Rhys Street, 28 of Rembrandt Way, denied the charges but was found guilty of rape, sexual assault and two counts of assault by penetration, by a jury at Chelmsford Crown Court on Monday 18 November. 

The court heard how Street took advantage of the woman aged in her 20s, under the guise of taking care of her after she had become unwell, which had resulted her in becoming incapacitated. 

In summary His Honour Judge Turner described Street’s conduct as inexcusable and his actions as shameful and nauseating. He said “You took shameful disadvantage of this girl more importantly you took advantage when she was plainly unwell, you did so nauseatingly under the impression of looking after her.”

He added: “Your conduct was inexcusable, rape is a grave offence, it’s difficult to think of a more distressing assault, this sort of offence frequently leaves a destructive psychology legacy that will haunt someone for years to come.” 

Street was sentenced to eight years in prison and put on the sex offender register for life. 

Following the sentencing, investigating Officer Detective Constable Kelly Blackwell said: “This was a disgusting assault where Street used this woman’s clear vulnerability to his advantage.”

“The victim was brave enough to contact us and make a report, but, at the time, didn’t wish to progress the investigation any further.”

“We gathered the necessary evidence so that when, and if, she felt ready, we were able to take action against the perpetrator.”

“Two years on and having made the decision to support a prosecution, we began criminal proceedings against Street.”

 “Thanks to this woman’s bravery, she has not only helped to put Street behind bars but also ensured that he will be a registered sex offender for life, helping to protect other potential victims.”