Murder investigation underway after death of baby in Essex

Essex Police are conducting a murder investigation after the death of a baby in a block of flats in Harlow.

An inquest yesterday heard that the baby suffered from head injuries, which is believed to be the cause of death.

The emergency services were called to the flat on Wednesday 19 August, in Joyners Field in Harlow.

When they arrived, they found a two-month-old boy unconscious and not breathing. The boy was rushed to hospital where he sadly died.

The inquest also revealed the name of the baby Malik Olayia.

Police has confirmed they are treating the baby’s death as suspicious and a murder enquiry has been launched.

Two people had been arrested in connection with the incident – a 34-year-old man and a 30-year-old woman.

They have both been released on bail while the investigation continues.

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