Easter eggs on sale in supermarkets days after Christmas

While most people are still on their festive holidays, with Christmas decorations still up around the house, it looks like the supermarkets have already moved on.

Easter Eggs have started to appear on the shelves of some supermarkets.

With their commercial hats firmly on, the stores are already preparing us to buy for the next big holiday event.

There’s almost four months to go until Easter, but this hasn’t stopped Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Co-op and Waitrose shops from rolling out the seasonal treats.

Heart shaped chocolates have also appeared in some stores, in eager anticipation of Valentine’s Day.

As you can imagine, this hasn’t gone down well with many shoppers. 

Charlotte Donnelly, 33, said: “We had Christmas preparations from September onwards and now we’re all just recovering from that we’re being made to think about April already. It’s ridiculous.”

Other shoppers also took to Twitter to voice their disapproval.

Supermarkets generally start selling Easter chocolates in the new year, but some shops can decide themselves to stock it early.

Co-op, for example, told a customer on Twitter that it’s started selling Easter chocolates already following requests from shoppers.

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