Essex lockdown choir record Stand By Me to raise money for NHS

Over 150 choir singers across Essex have got together virtually to record a song to raise money for NHS staff.

The members of the Buskerteers Choir each recorded their part of the song, Stand By Me, in their own homes on their phones. The mash-up was then turned into an online video.

The group has raised nearly £25,000 and is hoping to reach an overall target of £1m.

The funds will be used to provide “accommodation, food, travel and counselling to NHS nurses, doctors, staff and volunteers fighting Covid-19”.

One of the singers, Keith Davies said: “I’ve had a few people come back to me saying it actually moved them to tears because, I think it’s the power of the human voice, and then the lyrics and now attributing those lyrics to the situation we find ourselves.”

The choir is hoping to follow in the footsteps of Tom Moore, a 99-year-old veteran who has raised nearly £13million for the NHS by completing a 100 lap challenge around the length of his garden.

The World War Two hero, who lives with his family in Bedfordshire, had originally hoped to raise just £1,000 for the NHS when he started the challenge last week but by Thursday morning, he had raised more than £12.7million, donated by more than 700,000 supporters.

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