Police release picture of Essex man who died in assault outside social club

A man who was attacked outside a social club in Essex four months ago has sadly died of his injuries in hospital.

George Donald, 47, was assaulted outside the Galleywood Social Club, near Chelmsford, in November.

Sadly, Mr Donald never regained consciousness.

Essex Police believe there was an altercation leading up to the attack and a number of people were gathered when the incident took place. 

In a statement Mr Donald’s family said: “He was a gentle and kind soul and did not deserve to have his life taken in this horrific manner.”

“We have lost, a son, a brother, a father, an uncle, a cousin and a friend.”

“He never regained consciousness in the four months he was hospitalised and to his family and friends, he died that night.”

“We never spoke to him again.”

Essex Police would still like to speak to anyone who has information about the incident to get in touch.

Detective Insp Greg Wood said: “George will never be able to tell us what happened, and his family deserve to know.”

“There were a significant number of people at Galleywood Social Club and I am confident that some people know exactly what happened on that night.”

“I appeal to anyone who saw what happened or has any information to contact us on 101 or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

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