Essex man survives horrifying coronavirus battle which caused two strokes

A father of two from Colchester has finally left hospital two months after battling coronivrus.

Omar Taylor astonished medical staff after he fell gravely ill with pneumonia, sepsis, heart failure and two strokes. His family were told to prepare for the worst.

The married 31-year-old was discharged from Colchester Hospital after spending 30 days on a ventilator and in an induced coma.

Mr Taylor has an underlying health condition and so the family were self isolating, however he was rushed to A&E in the middle of March with breathing difficulties.

In hospital his health deteriorated over the days and Mr Taylor’s wife was told to prepare for the worst. Doctors discovered he had suffered two strokes and lost the movement in one of his arms along with his speech.

After spending a number of days in an induced coma, the healthcare director was slowly weaned off the ventilator and moved to a stroke unit for further treatment.

The family were reunited six weeks after Mr Taylor was first admitted to hospital. Two weeks later, doctors told him he was well enough to finally go home.

Staff lined the corridor as Mr Taylor was given a hero’s applause when he left the Essex hospital.

His wife, Kaitlyn said: “This has been everyone’s worst nightmare. But the support we have received has been overwhelming.”

“There’s a long road ahead and it will be a difficult time for us all, but we’re so lucky that my husband is alive.”

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