Essex midwife is latest NHS staff member to die with coronavirus

An Essex midwife is sadly the latest NHS staff member to die with coronavirus.

Lynsay Coventry, 54, worked at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow and died on Thursday 2nd April.

She is the first serving NHS midwife in England whose death has been confirmed.

Lynsay’s family paid tribute to her, saying: “Our hearts are broken at the loss of our loving, wonderful and caring mum, sister, daughter and grandmother.”

Lance McCarthy, chief executive of the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust (PAHT), said: “It is with great sadness that I confirm the death of Lynsay Coventry, 54, a long-standing member of our maternity team who will be remembered for her professionalism and commitment to the women she supported.

“Lynsay has been a midwife at PAHT for 10 years and her loss will be felt by the maternity team and colleagues from across the organisation.

“Lynsay had tested positive for Covid-19 and died on Thursday (April 2). She followed national guidance and self-isolated at home when she developed symptoms, and was not at work in the time before her death.

“Our thoughts are with Lynsay’s family and friends at this sad time.”

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