Tributes to ‘fantastic’ mother and NHS worker who died of Covid-19 in Essex

A caring, loving woman who worked for Basildon and Brentwood NHS Trust for over a decade has died of coronavirus.

Laura Tanner’s husband described her as “a fantastic, loving, caring” mother-of-two who worked as a locality administrator for Basildon and Brentwood Clinical Commissioning Group.

The 51-year-old from Basildon died on her way to the hospital on April 1 after contracting the deadly virus.

Mr and Mrs Tanner both showed signs of the virus around March 19 and quickly went into isolation. Mr Tanner said his symptoms started to improve after about a week, however his wife’s health seemed to deteriorate.

Worried about his wife’s condition, Mr Tanner called the NHS 111 helpline. He said a paramedic attended and after managing to get Mrs Tanner’s temperature down, she was advised to continue to self-isolate.

However Mrs Tanner’s condition worsened on April 1. She was struggling to breath and her husband called 999.

Mrs Tanner was sadly pronounced dead on the way to hospital.

Her husband said: “she was fantastic, very loving and caring.”

“She was a great mother to her children, she loved them dearly. She was friendly to everyone.”

“I’m having stories coming through where she would just randomly meet people at the bus stop, friends that she’d made, just got talking to people, they’ve laid flowers on the doorstep.”

“All these different stories from her work friends have been coming through to me.

“It’s just heartbreaking. She really was loved. She had a wicked sense of humour and personality. She was a kind soul.”

Mr Tanner, who works as a crane operator in London, thanked everyone who has supported the family, including his workmates, who set up a JustGiving page.

Mrs Tanner is survived by her husband and two sons, 13-year old Kian and Ethan, 23.

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