Healthy NHS nurse dies after contracting coronavirus

A 36-year-old NHS nurse, with no underlying health issues, has died after contracting coronavirus.

Areema Nasreen had been on a ventilator at Walsall Manor Hospital after developing a temperature, body aches and a cough.

She died shortly after midnight today in the hospital where she worked for 16 years.

She is the youngest NHS worker to die from coronavirus so far during the outbreak.

Areema’s sister said she was ‘fit and healthy’ before the diagnosis with no underlying conditions.

In a tribute to her posted on Facebook, her friend Rubi Aktar said: “My beautiful best friend Areema Nasreen has just passed away. My heart is broken. She fought and fought but Allah decided to take her.”

“She was the most loveliest, genuine person you could ever meet, she went above and beyond for everyone she met.”

“I can’t believe I will not see your smile again. You made me the nurse that I am today, with your support, motivation and inspiration I am the nurse that I am today and I hope I can do you proud Areema.”

“I love you so much and I will never forget you. You had so much to live for, I am sorry you didn’t get to see your kids grow up and I’m sorry that you didn’t get to complete your career.”

Her death came as officials announced 569 more people died in the UK after contracting the disease – bringing the total number of deaths to 2,921.

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