New details on why you can leave home including cooling-off periods after arguments

New guidance has been issued to Police forces on “reasonable excuses” people can have to leave home during the coronavirus lockdown.

It comes as the government announced a three-week extension to the lockdown in the UK, until 7th May.

Essex Police have handed 20 fines to people flouting the rules so far, with over 3,200 fines issued across England. 

The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) has now issued further clarity to police officers to explain the reasons that someone could “reasonably” leave their home during the coronavirus lockdown.

Shopping – what is and not allowed

People are allowed out to go shopping for food, alcohol and other necessities (e.g. newspapers, pet food etc). 

The purchase of tools and supplies for upkeep and maintenance is allowed. However, you are not allowed to go out to buy a pot of paint to redecorate a room for example, as the regulations relate to upkeep and maintenance, not renovation.

Exercise – what is and not allowed

Going for a run or cycle, practising yoga, walking in the countryside or in cities or attending an allotment is allowed. 

Driving to an exercise location is allowed as long as you spend more time exercising then driving. 

Having a rest during the workout is fine, but sunbathing in parks is not allowed.

Work – what is and not allowed

Key workers and other workers can travel to work where it is not possible for them to work from home.

However, if you are working from home, you must stay within your property and grounds. You can not work in a local park or knock on doors offering to do cash-in-hand work.

Other reasons allowed to leave home

  • Go to a vet if your pet needs essential treatment
  • Move to a friend’s address for a few days to “cool off” following an argument at home
  • Provide support or deliver packages to vulnerable people

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