Man beaten up in homophobic attack in Essex

A man was beaten up on a night out after defending his friends who were subjected to a homophobic attack in Chelmsford.

Lee Brobson suffered injuries to his face and arms in the incident, which took place in the early hours of Sunday. He was subjected to the attack after sticking up for friends who were holding hands.

The 30-year-old said the attack began with “homophobic slurs” but turned violent, with the two men “going for blood”.

Essex Police are appealing for witnesses to the incident, as they investigate the report.

The attack happened outside a takeaway restaurant in Moulsham Street at about 1am.

Mr Brobson told Police he initially tried to calm the situation, before it became violent. He was beaten up and punched in the face several times. He was later taken to hospital by Police for treatment.

One of Mr Brobsons friends who was threatened described him as “heroic”.

He said: “I don’t think he should have had to do it. I’m grateful that he was there and extremely thankful.”

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