Man stabbed in chest as he stood with friends in Essex

A man who stabbed his victim in the chest in a dispute in Colchester town centre has been jailed for six and a half years.

Jake Randall, 20, from Colchester, received the sentence at Chelmsford Crown Court after admitting grievous bodily harm with intent.

The incident occurred in November last year, when Randall made threats on the phone to a woman who was out in Colchester with friends.

He then walked over to them armed with a knife and grabbed her friend before stabbing him in the chest. The knife was just 4mm away from the victim’s main artery, which would have been fatal.

Jake Randall, 20, stabbed his victim in the chest in Colchester

Witnesses ran over and tried to help and had to fight Randall off.

Randall was found later by Essex Police with numerous cuts and bruises to his face, including a blooded nose and swollen right eye.

Investigating officer PC Avive Martin said: “Randall went into Colchester town centre and flew into a rage before stabbing an innocent man to the chest.”

“The victim spent six days in hospital recovering and suffered a causing a collapsed lung.”

“I would like to praise him for his bravery and I hope with Randall’s sentence provides some comfort and justice to him.”

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