Major development will create new homes, health centre and hotel in Essex

A major regeneration programme in Braintree will create new homes, a health hub, a hotel and additional car parking space.

The District Council has revealed plans for its Manor Street development, which it hopes will be a catalyst to rejuvenate Braintree Town Centre.

The scheme will bring 35 new homes, a Livewell health hub, a pharmacy, 70 bed Travelodge, new bus interchange, cafe/restaurant and a twin level car park into the centre of Braintree.

The scheme will create new apartments, hotel and bus interchange

The council said the 35 new apartments could be offered up as affordable homes, helping residents who cannot afford to buy or rent a home on the open market.

The Livewell health hub will provide 20,000 residents with access to more integrated health services that could include general practice, outpatient services and therapies.

The 70 bed Travelodge is designed to bring visitors and generate new jobs, whilst an enlarged bus interchange will have the capacity to provide services to a growing population.

Open public spaces will link the development to the High Street

In addition, a new high-quality public open space will link the new buildings to Braintree’s historic high street and provide a focus for events and activities.

The council said: “This investment in new homes, services and businesses will benefit residents and bring jobs and visitors into the town centre increasing trade for local businesses.”

“The character of our towns are changing and by supporting this scheme we are doing our part in keeping it alive.”

Preliminary building work is already underway with major construction expected to start in March 2020.