Nine more coronavius deaths confirmed at Essex Hospital

Nine more patients with coronavirus have died at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow.

The patients were aged between 65 and 91 and each had underlying health conditions, the NHS Hospital Trust said.

The deaths occurred within a 24 hour period and brings the total number of fatalities at the hospital who tested positive for Covid-19 to fourteen.

Lance McCarthy, chief executive of the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, said: “Our thoughts and condolences remain with the patients’ families and loved ones at this difficult time.”

The news came as Public Health England confirmed that 393 people died with the virus in the UK overnight, bringing the total number of deaths to 1,808. This is the biggest increase in deaths from the infection so far.

A 19-year-old became the youngest person to die with the virus. It’s believed the teenager had no underlying health conditions.

However, despite the rise in the number of deaths from the virus, health officials believe the nationwide stay at home advice is “making a difference.”

Transmission of coronavirus in the community is thought to be decreasing, which could mean fewer infections. 

Hospital admissions data suggests cases are not rising as fast as feared. 

Sir Patrick said the NHS was seeing around an additional 1,000 patients a day and described this daily rise as “stable”.

“That shows that it’s going up not in an increasing amount but in a constant amount, which may suggest that we’re already beginning to see some effect,” he said.

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