Schools could shut for a month from next Friday to reduce spread of Coronavirus

Teachers have been asked to prepare “home-learning packs” as schools could close for a month-long Easter break due to Coronavirus.

The virus was confirmed as a pandemic yesterday by the World Health Organisation, and the UK is taking steps to stop the spread.

The “delay” phase of the government’s plan could see schools shut down, with teachers in some schools said to be getting ready to continue classes remotely as soon as next week.

The packs will include coursework for GCSE and A-Level students as well as curriculum-based learning for younger students.

Many Brits could also be asked to work from home, with businesses preparing for how to deal with an Italy-style lockdown.

As the number of people infected with coronavirus in the UK increased to 460 yesterday, the government is expected to announce that it is stepping up its response to deal with the virus.

The virus has been confirmed as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation

It is anticipated the UK will switch to tactics aimed at delaying its spread, rather than containing it, when the government’s emergency committee meets today.

It means the public could be told to start working from home and to scale back their socialising as the country tries to get a grip on the outbreak.

Care homes could place extra restrictions on visitors to protect the elderly, who are most at risk from the virus.

While anyone with a cold, cough, sniffle or fever could be told to stay at home for a week to help halt the spread of the infection.

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