Should schools reopen in June and how will they keep children safe?

Plans to reopen primary schools from June have been challenged by teaching unions and medical organisations. 

Boris Johnson announced on Sunday that primary schools will reopen from the beginning of June, as part of his ‘conditional plan’ for reopening the UK. The phased opening will begin with the youngest pupils in Reception and Year 1, plus Year 6.

However, Teacher’s Unions say they still have significant concerns after talks with the governments scientific advisors about the safety of pupils and staff.

The British Medical Association, which represents doctors, said the teaching union is right to oppose the government’s plans. 

Teachers are concerned with the difficulty of implementing social distancing in schools. Staff are also concerned that they could potentially pick up the virus from children, become unwell themselves and then take it home to their own families.

Darren Northcott from the teaching union NASUWT said: “Schools across England currently do not have the advice and the guidance they need to be absolutely certain that they can open as safely as possible.”

The government guidance accepts that primary aged children can’t always be expected to stay two metres apart from one another. 

To address this, children will be divided into groups of no more than fifteen and each group will be kept apart from other pupils in the school. 

Some schools have already said they will reopen, saying concern around coronavirus has to be balanced against the harm of children missing school for a prolonged period.

The Education Secretary, Gavin Williams, said: “Getting children back to school is vital for their educational development and many schools are already taking steps to welcome back their pupils. I am grateful for their support.”

But parents are not convinced. One father told Essex Updates: “I want my child to go back to school, but what’s more important is their safety. That’s the top priority.”

Another parent said: “It seems crazy that children who are so young would be chosen to go back to school first, as they’re the least likely to be able to do social distancing.”

It seems the government has more work to do to persuade teachers and parents that reopening schools in June is the right decision.

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