Stay well this winter

Now that winter is well and truly here, there are lots of things you can do to help you and your family stay well.

The cold weather can affect our health and wellbeing in different ways, and this is particularly likely if you are over 65, under 5, pregnant, or have a long-term health condition or disability. However, there are some positive steps you can take:

  • Talk to your local pharmacist if you start to feel unwell, even if it just a cough or a cold and particularly if you have a long-term health condition like COPD
  • Keep warm inside and outside; heat your home to at least 18 degrees and wrap up warm when out in cold weather
  • Have a flu jab; many groups, including older people, those with a long-term health conditions, pregnant women, some young children and some carers are entitled to free flu jabs. Contact your GP or local pharmacy to find out more
  • If you take prescribed medication, ensure you have plenty to see you through the winter period and particularly over the Christmas and New Year period
  • Check in on elderly family members, neighbours and friends who may need a little extra help this winter
  • If you do need medical help over the holiday period when GP surgeries and pharmacies are closed, contact NHS 111 for advice

For more information about how to stay well this winter, visit