Tesco announces changes to make it easier to get home delivery slots

Tesco has announced new changes to make it easier for shoppers to get a delivery slot. 

All supermarkets have been in high demand since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, with many shoppers struggling to get home delivery slots.

The supermarket is currently making over one million deliveries a week and this is expected to increase further to 1.2 million slots in the next week.

To support this, the supermarket is limiting people’s accounts to one order a week to help increase the number of delivery slots available.

The new rule applies to all Tesco customers including those on the vulnerable list and with a Delivery Saver account.

The supermarket has also put an 80 item limit on delivery orders, to allow it to fit more deliveries in its vans.

Tesco confirmed the move when replying to a customer on Twitter.

They said: “Thanks for getting in touch. Your account will be limited to one order per week.”

“We’ve introduced a limit of one order per week, to help more customers secure a delivery slot.”

“One slot a week applies to all Tesco Customers, not just those with a Delivery Saver Plan.”

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