Tributes paid to father of four killed in Essex

A man who died following a collision in Little Clacton over the weekend has been described as a ‘kind, caring man’ who would ‘always help anyone if he could’.

Dean Clark, 41, died following a collision with a van outside The Blacksmiths Arms pub on Friday (7 February).

Craig Garton, 41, who was a friend of Dean’s has been charged with his murder.

Paying tribute to him, Dean’s partner said in a statement: “Dean has left a massive hole in our lives and we will miss him so much.”

“He was a kind caring man and would always help anyone out if he could.”

“He was a very social person and had lots of friends who meant a lot to him. He loved and adored his four children and always wanted the best for them.”

“Everything he built up and worked for was for them to have a good life. They are devastated that their dad has been taken away from them.”

“I met Dean when I was 16 and he has always been the love of my life and that will never, ever change.”

“We all love him so much and I just cannot imagine our lives without him. We will miss him so much.”

“Dean also leaves his mum, dad and brother, who say we miss and love him so much.”

“Life will never be the same without him. His mum said he was my world.”

A post-mortem examination was carried out on Dean and found he had sustained traumatic chest injuries consistent with an assault with a vehicle.

Garton appeared at Chelmsford Magistrates’ court on Monday and is next due to appear at Chelmsford Crown Court on 6 April.

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