Woman jailed for trying to open airplane door during flight

A woman has appeared at Chelmsford Crown Court after she tried to open a passenger plane door during a flight.

The incident prompted two RAF fighter jets to be rushed to the scene causing a sonic boom and the noise of an explosion over Essex.

The court was told how 26-year-old Chloe Haines from High Wycombe scratched a crew member as she lunged towards the aircraft door, shouting “I’m going to kill you all”.

Two fighter jets escorted the Jet2 flight, with 206 people on board, back to Stansted Airport.

Haines was arrested on suspicion of assault and endangering an aircraft. 

The incident unfolded in June last year when the Jet2 flight was heading to Dalaman in Turkey.

Residents across Harlow, Epping, Chelmsford and Stansted reported hearing a loud explosion, as the RAF jets flew above Essex. A number of 999 calls were also made by concerned residents.

When Haines was interviewed by police, she said she couldn’t really remember anything about the incident or what had happened after mixing alcohol with medication.

Judge Charles Gratwicke said: “Those that are trapped in the confined space of the aircraft will inevitably be distressed, frightened and petrified by the actions of those who in a drunken state endanger their lives.”

“For some it will be their worst nightmare come true.”

Haines was sentenced to two years when she appeared in court today.

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